Poster Gallery

The ULAS poster gallery is a quick and easy way to download information on our latest discoveries for use in classrooms. These posters are free for educational use.

The Enderby Shield

Latest discoveries in Leicester

 Western Road Roman Cemetery

Castle Hill Community Dig 2016-17

 The Search for Richard III

The discovery of Richard III’s remains in a car park in Leicester is one of the most memorable archaeological discoveries of the century. Learn more about the discovery below.

Leicestershire at war

Posters on various aspects of warfare in Leicester, ranging from the 12th century through to the 20th century.

Cossington Barrows

Poster on the excavation of a Bronze Age barrow cemetery near Cossington in north Leicestershire.

Exotic food in Roman Leicester

These posters reveal how faunal, botanical and ceramic evidence from a single Roman refuse pit (excavated at Castle Street in Leicester in 2006) can be combined to shed light on the trade of exotic food in Roman Leicester.

The Highcross Leicester Excavations

The Highcross Leicester project is undoubtedly the largest archaeological investigation ever to have been carried out in Leicester. Excavations between 2004 and 2006 examined a number of large sites in the north-east quarter of Leicester’s historic core as part of its regeneration into the Highcross Leicester retail area. Below are posters from the excavations.

Post-excavation Analysis

Archaeological excavation is only part of the investigation. Once the dig is over the scientific analysis begins.

Abbey Park

Posters on the student training excavations in Abbey Park.

Miscellaneous Sites

Below are an assortment of posters created for a wide variety of projects we have been involved in.